Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winnie the Pooh Communications

This week brings an extremely short post. Take a few moments — make that a single moment — to check out this brief post at B.L. Ochman's What's Next blog.

Ms Ochman's "favorite thing a PR person ever told her", it turns out, is a simply awful example of what happens when we have someone either insufficiently educated or woefully incautious communicate on our behalf.

(Note that I'm affording the benefit of the doubt here, assuming that no truly professional communicator would make such an error, so the message must surely have been sent by someone in the modern version of what used to be called the typing pool.)

As she so succinctly reports, she received a PR pitch concerning a topic she simply does not cover — there's the first mistake — and then, when she pointed out this error, she received the gloriously amusing second error — a return eMail from the PR rep saying,

"I apologize for the incontinence and will make the changes in our media list."

For those of you who might miss the headline reference, Winnie the Pooh is referred to as "the bear of very little brain." I'm personally relieved that I do not know the identity of the individual whose incontinence is now being discussed widely across the internet.

Thanks for participating —

Jan Thomas
The Communication Heretic

1 comment:

  1. she was from a fair size agency - making the whole thing even more bizarre. and i really don't think she was from the typing pool.
